COMPASsCO2 Project in the news

COMPASsCO2 project featured at the European Health and Digital Executive Agency’s (HaDEA) COP27 side event

COMPASsCO2 project featured at the European Health and Digital Executive Agency’s (HaDEA) COP27 side event – “Solar energy generation and storage – more sustainable processes for the planet and people.”

Some of HaDEA’s projects funded under Horizon 2020 that are developing solutions to address the challenges of making renewable energy generation and storage as sustainable as possible were presented at a side-event organized by the EU within the framework of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh on November 14th.

Featured projects include new battery technologies, concentrated solar power, power-to-x and improved photovoltaics, for a total of 15 projects, including COMPASsCO2.

A factsheet was prepared by the EC Communication services, which briefly presents the projects:

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